3 Mental Laws Affecting Your Life

Creative Minds
2 min readApr 12, 2021
Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

The Law of Belief.

Whatever you believe in your feelings, that is what you will experience. Since you still behave based on your convictions, whatever you believe with feeling, emotion, and intensity becomes your truth. The more deeply you hold the belief, the more valid it becomes for you. Many people’s lives are transformed as they question their long-held assumptions that they were born to work.

Conscious and unconscious beliefs are the two types of beliefs. It isn’t what a man knows that hurts him; it is what he knows isn’t real that hurts him. Many things we think we know about ourselves aren’t real. Once we’ve agreed to believe these things, we don’t see anything that contradicts it, which is why we grow Scotias (Blind Spots). Self-limiting convictions are normally the greatest roadblock. We build mental barriers for ourselves. You must have unwavering faith in your ability to succeed.

The Law of Expectation.

Expectations, especially about results, become self-fulfilling prophecies. When you expect anything to happen, it almost always does. If you expect anything to happen, you’ll behave in a predictable manner. When you plan to be successful, your attitude and results change. You have the ability to create your own goals. Everything you confidently foresee becomes your self-fulfilling prophecy.

The greatest of all attitudes, the catalyst that causes your potential to unlock like a chemical catalyst, that causes an explosive effect is confident expectations, an attitude of confident expectation transforms your attitude towards your world. Always expect the best. Repeat this throughout the day, start your day with this affirmation: I believe that something wonderful is going to happen to me today.

The Law of Attraction.

You are a living magnet, and you attract into your life the people and the circumstances that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts. In the universe, all energy is in a state of vibration, including mind energy. Your mental energy travels at the speed of light. It travels and is so fine that it goes through any substance. You can think a thought here and it can connect with someone on the other side of the world. Your mind is incredibly powerful but it is a neutral law. If you think negative thoughts, you will attract negative things into your life as well. This is what the Secret is based on, The Law Of Attraction, however, they missed an important point, in that movie, work, it takes hard work

